Joel Goodman

Total raised


Offline: £10.00

Joel was a kind and thoughtful person who loved to help everyone, including animals. He especially loved elephants and large dogs.

Joel was a loving husband, father and friend. He loved to teach, explain and help people. This is reflected in his work at Oracle which he was passionate about, as well as his rugby and volunteering. He was so helpful and always had time and advice for you if you asked for it. Joel loved animals, particularly elephants of which he had a large collection at home. A lot of our memories involve him interacting with a variety of animals. He also appreciated large dogs and seemed to have a special rapport with these.

Latest donations

  • £100.00 Denny Ward

    A much loved friend for more than forty years. Fondest memories.

  • £30.00 Hilke

    My caring and supportive friend. You are missed

  • £50.00 John

    In memory of Joel, he will be sadly missed by all those who knew him. John, Patrick and Charis

  • £30.00 Manuela

  • £50.00 H&H

    We will always remember children, brethren, oxen, and you.

Events in memory

There are no events set up yet
