Maisie Woolley

Total raised


Our Beautiful, Caring, Funny, Kind Loving daughter Maisie was stolen away from us and died at the age of 9, 4 days after catching Covid. She had been well and was absolutely full of life and enthusiasm. Maisie loved animals and wanted to be a vet. She was always carrying the cats around, while they flopped in her arms. Sadly she never got to see that dream through.

If you can, please help Maisie's dream of helping animals live on by donating through her in memory page. Thank you.

Latest donations

  • Nanny B and Grandad

    For the tigers and elephants on your birthday, thinking of you always. Love nanny and grandad. x

  • Jeannette heather and jade

    Thinking of you on what would have been your 10th birthday. Penblwydd hapus beautiful girl. xx

  • £10.00 RIP

    May you rest in peace, from Breda, spoke to your heartbroken Grandmother today, so so sad x

  • £20.00 Neil Johnson

    So sorry to hear of your sad loss.

  • £50.00 Nicola O'Donnell

Events in memory

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