Ken Ward-Smith

Total raised


Ken was a much loved colleague and friend to so many at Albourne Partners

Ken was a larger than life character who lived an amazing life, but he was lost to us all way too soon. While we can celebrate his life, his loss will leave a large hole for all who cared about him.

When he passed, we spoke to his family asking if there was a cause we could support in his memory; they mentioned the WWF, and so we are glad to support this wonderful charity in his honour and memory.

They also said there wouldn't be a funeral, but they hoped that when we are gathered together in a social setting that we will raise a glass to him. I hope you will do so and raise a toast to him as and when we are able to meet again.

Latest donations

  • John C

    In memory of a dear friend and colleague.

  • £17,707.89 Albourne Partners

  • Guy Ingram

    In memory of our colleague, Ken

Events in memory

There are no events set up yet
