David Thomas

Total raised


Offline: £150.00

Our father was kind, loyal and dedicated. He cared deeply about people and all animals, he spent his life trying to help others.

Our dad was a hero to his family and to many others, A firefighter his whole life he dedicated his life’s work to saving others as all firefighters do.

A loyal and caring family oriented man who always had time for his friends. Nothing was ever to much of my dad and those who knew him knew they could rely on him.

Described recently as always smiling and with a twinkle in his eye, which being honest was usually mischief. Dad loved to laugh and my childhood memories are full of us having fun and laughing together.

He cared about charity and believed in doing what he could. He completed twelve trips to Romania supporting their fire service and the orphanages. He worked with ACE (Animal Care in Egypt) travelling there and working for them.

Dad was great with animals, cats and dogs gravitated towards him probably because of his kind nature and together with my mum they were and she continues to be avid supporters of the World Wildlife Federation.

Thank you to Denise and John, Chris and Skye and anyone else who donated before this page was set up and those who have sent flowers x

Thank you for visiting this page and donating in our dads memory x

Latest donations

  • £20.00 Hazel Lawrence

  • £25.00 Graham & Sue Simons LFB Feltham Fire Station

    Fire One Heathrow, never a better officer to see at the RVP’s. Dave a true old school ‘governor’, getting the job done!

  • £20.00 Pam Oakley

  • £20.00 Shelley Dansiger

    David I've known for over 26 years We shared a career in the Fire Service & helping animals through charity work & fundraising RIP my friend

  • £20.00 Tony and Jill

    So many happy memories.

Events in memory

There are no events set up yet
