Alister Gillespie

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Ali - huge-hearted, fun-loving, boundless energy, exuberant, kind, funny, always inspirational. Regarded as a true friend by so many.

"You alone are the judge of your worth and your

goal is to discover infinite worth in yourself,

no matter what anyone else thinks"

- Deepak Chopra.

Ali lived by this statement. He had unwavering self-belief and he encouraged others to believe in their own strengths and values.

Ali was one of the best friends you could ever have. If he was called upon for help, he immediately put down whatever he was doing and went to assist. And while the weight of sadness at his leaving often sits in our hearts and minds, there are increasing moments when the weight is put aside because of the happy memories that he left behind.

A dear friend has said, “You’ll never get over losing him. But you will learn to walk alongside it…..”. And maybe that is how it should be. Because Ali would want us to live the best lives we could. None of us will ever forget him, or what he meant to us all.

His friends, offering support and comfort, have sent 'stories of Ali' - which we will never tire of hearing. And we will always be happy to hear of any stories about him - so please tell us.

He loved life in its every form. He looked forward to every day unfolding in front of him, with enthusiasm and positivity. And we are so grateful that he had so many things and people in his life that made him happy.

Whilst exuberant and colourful, Ali was no show-off – rather he ‘showed himself’. He was honest and truthful about who he was. He didn’t make efforts to portray a best side, or be something he wasn’t. He believed in himself. He was just himself.

We had him in our lives for 24 years - we want to share his generous spirit and memory with anyone that we can.

Ali wanted to make a difference to the world, and he did. He did it because of the people he loved and chose to be around, and the values he lived his life by. He worked in Brazil in his last year of Uni in a teaching hospital, on a project to find early diagnosis indicators for specific cancers. He had a paper published in an American medical journal on the project. We know how proud he was to have been part of something he believed so meaningful. But you might never have known these things about Ali - because he was equally proud of simple things like perfecting the deep fried Mars Bar and having family & friends that he trusted and loved. He had so much room in his life for adventure and laughter, he was always hopeful for the future.

The worst thing in our lives has already happened. But the next worse thing would be that Ali could be forgotten. This is why we have set up this memory page.

After Ali died I read the following question somewhere: "What difference will you make to the planet, before you leave it?"

And losing someone does make you question what exactly we are here for, if it's not to make the world a better place....x

Latest donations

  • £50.00 Anonymous

    A great colleague and sorely missed. RIP Ali x

  • £100.00 Dad and Ellie

    Forever in our Hearts x

  • £50.00 Jordan

    You were always the funniest, friendliest and kind-hearted person. I'm going to miss you mate, love you Ali. Rest easy x

  • £50.00 Anonymous

    A special man x

  • £50.00 Anonymous

    Forever in our hearts x

Events in memory

